
Let's learn C++: Lec02 What is that meaning of the program(Hello World)?

Before learning C++ detail, I would like to give you a whole abstraction at first. For learning syntax, you would know, actually, it is like a "spell" in Harry Potter. You need to combine several correct words to instruct your computer how to achieve what you want in that program. ex. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){     cout<<"Hello World"; }  cout<<"Hello World"; →it is an instruction to print out "Hello World" on command line, and this cout  is stored in a namespace std to let you use, but also included in a library <iostream> . Now, you have some jobs, if you do not have any idea about what is " namespace and library ", I suggest you can google it. As what I said, you need to learn these instruction in a program at first, and then you just start to throw the "spell" to do a magic. For me, if let me explain " namespace and library " briefly here, li...

Let's learn C++, Lec01 How to learn it

Hello, friends. If you are interested in C++ and even want to learn it, here is appropriate for you. I already organized main topic of C++ into 15 chapters to let you can practice. You can come to my github:(I will spend a little time in following week to share my experience) Cplus_Introduction   What is the best way to learn a programming language? I believe everyone possess different ideas about this issue. In my opinion, I suggest "Just go for it" at first. Unless you are already a programmer with some experience, I might tell you that you should know the history of the compiler version(GCC), and compare some IDE(I ntegrated Development Environment ) to choose a one you want to use. Besides, you also need to spend time on its  Standard Library and common API.  If you are just a fresh man for programming and even do not know what is OOP(Objected-Oriented Programming, some people call it OOD, Objected-Oriented Design). I won't trust you have enough ...

A new beginning~

Hello, friends. I am an engineer in Germany. This website I used when I studied senior high school in Taiwan. Now, I come back here to restart it, because I want to share my experience of learning about computer. (I major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Here, it is also a challenge for me to learn some new knowledge in new field. Welcome to give me your advise and criticize, I would be humble to accept that appreciatively. I would share idea about programming and algorithms. Besides, I would like to share some interesting program project. Owing to my EECS background, I would like to share something about engineering math, including Linear Algebra, Differential Equation and etc. Maybe, sometimes, I also can organize the Electrical Circuits. Anyway, it would be up to my time. No matter you are college students or high school, or you are from other field, if you have any question, welcome to ask me and leave your comment. I would be happy to answer...


「這一點也不難,只要對的時間按下隊的琴鍵」──巴哈,但是我們可能在自己的一生中,錯過了多少次我們所能把握住的:愛情、親情、夢想……,當幸福來敲門時,我們有開門的勇氣嗎?又或許我們只敢望著窗外乞求上天的憐憫,而那是否是幸福的音符呢?以或是懦弱的內心逃避的所在呢?     故事的主角 傅雷德 ,是為中規中矩的虔誠基督徒,重視飯前禱告、上教會的時間,而他日復一日單調的獨居生活,卻因為一位有著智能障礙的流浪者 席歐 展開了新的一頁。 席歐 的角色在電影的過程中,不斷切換在傅雷德的兒子 約翰 和妻子 特露蒂 身上,隨著故事的進行, 傅雷德 不斷打開自己的心結,突破世俗的枷鎖,重新接納自己的兒子、揭開鄰居的內心,並在最後和席歐到達了和老婆的相遇之地 Matterhorn ──最接近神的地方。     對於這部片,我想對幾個主題,提出自己的看法。

自由與愛 奧賽羅 劇作讀書心得

伊麗莎白時代劇作家中,以莎士比亞 ( 在華人世界常以莎翁作為尊稱 ) 最享負盛名,他的各式劇作不斷的在各個地方演出,即使受到時代的變遷,到了現今仍是膾炙人口的作品,因為國文報告的機會,讓我有充分的時間去欣賞──莎翁。    奧賽羅,屬莎士比亞四大悲劇中的作品,而它的戲劇結構最為嚴謹,藝術性也是最完美的,劇中的愛情觀,也迎接了新時代人們的精神面貌。    黑人將軍奧賽羅與美麗善良的苔絲狄蒙娜相愛而私自成婚。奧賽羅總向苔絲狄蒙娜敘述他那坎坷的奮鬥史,而苔絲狄蒙娜從中看見奧賽羅內心深處偉大樸實的心,也因此和他的父親勃拉班緒鬧不和,並且不願在踏入家門。旗官伊阿古因自己夢寐以求的職位被奧賽羅給了凱西奧,又妒忌凱西奧能被賞賜,所以他決意用奸計同時謀害奧賽羅與凱西奧來作出報復。伊阿古藉由洛德李哥隊苔絲狄蒙娜的一片痴心,利用他去完成他的陰險計畫,設計凱西奧觸犯軍紀被撤職,又鼓動苔絲狄蒙娜去求情。他利用了奧賽羅的妒忌,以巧妙的暗示和誣蔑中傷的手段使奧賽羅懷疑愛妻與凱西奧有私情。伊阿古假裝自己是為了奧賽羅好,而不斷暗示奧賽羅的妻子苔絲狄蒙娜不貞。「惡魔往往用神聖的外表,引誘世人幹最惡的罪行」他攻於心計,暗指苔絲狄蒙娜跟凱西奧有不軌之情,一天,苔絲狄蒙娜不小心遺忘了一條奧賽羅贈送的手帕,被伊阿古放到凱西奧房裏,便成了加害苔絲狄蒙娜的罪名,苔絲狄蒙娜不貞的證據。並且利用凱西奧對畢安卡的示愛,當作是對苔絲狄蒙娜求愛,奧賽羅被妒火煎熬,認定妻子不貞,將她親手掐死。伊阿古的妻子隨即揭發這個陰謀,而伊阿古也因此殺了他的妻子, 奧賽羅痛悔不已,在殺了伊阿古以後也拔劍自殺,倒在苔絲狄蒙娜的屍體上獻上了他最後的一吻。